Neurodiversity Affirming Therapy

Therapy for
Neurodivergent Children & Teens

(Ages 3-18)

What is AutPlay Therapy?

AutPlay Therapy was created by Dr. Robert Jason Grant.

It is a neurodiversity affirming framework for implementing play therapy to address the mental health needs of neurodivergent children and their families.

It is a diversity framework that teaches therapists how to select and/or integrate play therapy theory or approach based on an understanding of the Neurodivergent child and the neurodiversity paradigm.

Parents and children are valued and understood as partners in the therapy process with the therapist.

AutPlay therapy values play as the natural language of children. In AutPlay therapy, play is the change agent and not a manipulative to get to a change agent. Play is not withheld or used as a reward to gain compliance.

AutPlay Therapy is a neurodiversity informed and affirming collaborative process designed to value the individual child and highlight their strengths as well as guide areas of intervention, goals, and approaches for addressing the needs of the child and family.

(Quoted from

What is a neurodiversity affirming therapist?

A neurodiversity affirming play therapist is a therapist who respects diverse neurotypes and values the strengths of neurodivergent children, recognizing that different is okay, different is not bad, wrong, or a problem, and navigating differently is supported.

Neurodivesity affirming play therapists acknowledge that neurodiversity means there is no such thing as a “normal” brain. Variation in neurology is natural, and none is more right or wrong than another.

Neurodiveristy affirming play therapists never try to change a neurodivergent child to “look” like a neurotypical standard. The therapist presumes competence, allows for multiple ways of communication, gives the child a voice, and recognizes the child’s unique play preferences and interests.

The information on this page comes from the AutPlay Therapy website. It is not the work of Connected Path Counseling. Lauren Donovan, LCSW is a Certified AutPlay Therapy Provider. Please go to the AutPlay Therapy website for more information

How will this help my child?

In AutPlay Therapy, neurodivergent children are not in play therapy because they are neurodivergent. They are in therapy because they have mental health needs such as anxiety, regulation challenges, trauma issues, social needs, parent/child relationship issues, etc.

The therapeutic powers of play address a variety of possible needs including emotional regulation struggles, social navigation needs, engagement/connection growth, anxiety and fear reduction, sensory challenges, executive functioning struggles, depression and self-esteem issues, trauma issues, advocacy, stigmatization, identity appreciation, the social model of disability, autonomy, inclusion needs, and parent/child relationship struggles.

Parents are actively involved and integrated in the therapy process. Parents play a significant role in their Neurodivergent child’s navigation and growth. The therapist will help you better understand your Neurodivergent child and neurodiversity affirming concepts.

It would be an honor and privilege to work with you and your child.

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